Week 04 of Camp manuliVille - Wonder Week

The fourth week of Camp manuliVille is all about dreaming and growing ideas. Discover five days of activities below. CLICK HERE to return to our main camp page and access all four weeks of fun.

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”
— Eleanor Roosevelt

Welcome to the final week of Camp manuliVille 2023! If you've missed any of the first three weeks, click the patches above for full access. This week we celebrate dreamers and doers. From star gazing to storytelling, get ready for an inspired (and dreamy) week.


Originating from the Ojibwa culture, dream catchers were first created to catch bad dreams while letting good dreams pass through. Follow the instructions in the video below and make your very own dream catcher!
MIYO - Add your own unique style by attaching beads, pipe cleaners, or any other decorations you choose.

 Grab a journal and write down where you dream of being in 5 years. How about 10 years? Record everything you hope to see and do and be. Make sure to note the date that you write it down and create a dream journal keepsake you can revisit as you grow (and see if your dreams change over time). For friends on the younger side, have your parents help you.

Use crayons, pencils, paint, and anything else you have on hand to draw your dreams. Need help getting started? Check out our Daydreams Coloring Book below.

Make Your Own Dream Catcher

Grab Your Materials:

You'll need a paper plate (or bowl), a hole punch, string, and feathers or something decorative to tie at the bottom.

Let's Make It:

Follow along with the video instructions below.


Write About Your Dreams

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Draw Your Dreams

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“Moonlight drowns out all but the brightest stars.”
— J.R.R. Tolkien

Today, let's look to the sky and discover the stars.


Create your very own constellation viewer that works day or night! View the video below for full instructions.
MIYO - Make it your own by painting, coloring, or decorating the tube. Try all of the constellations and challenge each other to a game of remembering each one's special shape.

The world doesn't stop when we close our eyes. Learn all about what happens when you go to sleep at night with our fact-filled book (it's available in our shoppe or online). If you don't have this gem yet, get a jump start on nighttime secrets by doing a little research into nocturnal creatures.

Since kindness doesn't cost a thing, you can sprinkle it everywhere! Grab a wand (or make one with cardboard, a popsicle stick and any sparkly bits & bobs you have lying around), and go on a magical kindness adventure. Challenge yourself and your friends to tap everyone you come into contact with today on the shoulder with your kindness wand and say one nice thing about them. You might be surprised at the magic being kind creates.

Create a Constellation Viewer

Gather your materials:
You'll need a toilet tube, cupcake liner, glue stick, rubber band, hole punch, and our constellation template, below.

Watch the video below for full instructions.

Nighttime Favorites

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Sparkle and Shine

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“Inside each of us is a natural-born storyteller, waiting to be released.”
— Robin Moore

Today is all about storytelling. From reading to writing, let's share our stories with the world.


Grab some paint and a few rocks from outside. Divide your rocks into three piles and paint different characters on each rock in the first pile, paint different objects on each rock in the 2nd pile and paint differet places on each rock in the 3rd pile. Now choose a painted rock from each pile to create your story. Mix & match rocks to create new stories.
MIYO - Don't have rocks? Paint or draw on scraps of paper, leaves, or anything that is on separate pieces so you can move around your characters and ideas to create and re-create stories.

What makes a good writer? Lots and lots (and lots!) of reading. Find some books on your shelves that you haven't had a chance to read yet, or head to your local library to discover writing styles you like (some of our favorites are below). Jot down what you liked best about each book's writing style

It's time to start writing! Create your characters, set your scene, and tell your story.

Discover Different Writing Styles

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Tell Your Story

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"The best way to have a good idea is to have a lot of ideas."
— Linus Pauling

Let's take a moment to be inspired by our surroundings. Oftentimes we move so fast that we miss out on the beauty of everyday life. Today we're slowing it down, appreciating where we are, and letting our ideas grow.


Let's start the day inspired. Head outside with paper, pencil, and any art supplies you have on hand. Go on a shadow hunt and find a spot to sit where the sunlight is directed towards you. You'll want to arrange your paper so the shadows overlap it. An easy way to do this is to find a twig or flower and sit it in cup exactly where you want it. Use the shadows as guides to trace, color, or paint your picture. MIYO - by gathering toys (animal figures work well), or favorite objects to make shadows with. The possibilities are endless!

What do you do when you need to turn a thinking cap into a dreaming cap? You make a crown (see below)! Tie a few twigs together to make a circle and tuck flowers all around. Or just tuck bits of nature behind your ear or in your ponytail. Let these little bits of magic inspire your day.


It's time to put the dreaming crown to use. Take an hour and create your own idea lab. What's an idea lab? Glad you asked! It's special time you set aside to brainstorm and grow little ideas into big and exciting things. Sketchbooks, journals, and prompts are good ways to get your creative juices flowing. Some of our faves are below + a little story of our own idea lab.

Make a Dreaming Crown

Let's head outside and gather bits of nature to make a magical dreaming crown. Pick a few flowers (with your parents' permission) and gather some leaves (ferns, tree leaves, really any leaves work). You need a stem long enough to make a circle (you ca also use twigs - tie them together to make a circle). Make sure the circle stem fits around your head and secure it with a twist tie. Attach your findings all around using more twist ties or floral wire. Wear your crown all day and let the ideas flow.

Idea Lab

Children of all ages (and we mean ages 3 to 103) can benefit from an idea lab. Taking time to sort all of the little ideas you have allows them to grow into big ideas. At pucciManuli, we used our idea lab to come up with this camp! Our shoppe is filled to the brim with so many inspiring products, and our Makery is filled with all kinds of crafts and DIY favorites, but until now, these two spaces were a bit separate. In our idea lab we spent some time thinking and brainstorming and sketching out how they could work together. This led to the creation of Camp manuliVille - just for you. And with a little more magic (and dreaming caps) we know we can add to this and bring bigger and better things to our community in the future.

What will you do in your idea lab? Share your thoughts and ideas with us here!

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“Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen.”
— Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Abracadabra, it's Friday!
Let's fill our last day of camp with as much wonder as possible...


Grab a friend and go on a potion-gathering-adventure. You'll need to find jugs, vases, or bowls that you can mix your findings in (ask your parents before using these), a pitcher of water, and lots and lots of nature bits. Flower petals, leaves, small twigs, berries, and really anything that peaks your interest can be used in your potion. More details below!

The most magical memories come from spending time together. This afternoon, take some time to create and play a game with your friends & family. Check out two ideas, below, and MIYO using any materials you have on hand.

We invite you to become a manuliVille Wonderseeker! See below for more on what that means.


Magic Potion

The history of magic potions goes back to ancient times where people made plant remedies. Our potion is all about the magic of imagination and creativity.

Gather a few jugs, vases, bowls and anything that can hold a liquid potion (ask your parents before using these vessels). Now head on outside and go on a magical seek & find adventure. Look for flower petals, leaves, twigs, and any bits of nature that inspires you. Fill your vessels with water, and one by one mix in your found elements. Come up with a story and imagine that you're in ancient times. What kind of magic will your potion bring? Discover the Wild Imagination book below and share your creations with us here.

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Nature Tic Tac Toe

Gather 10 acorns or 10 mini pinecones (or any small items you can find 10 of). Split them in half and take some time to paint or decorate them. Draw a tic tac toe board on a sheet of paper and use your decorated objects as game pieces. MIYO - use sidewalk chalk and make a big tic tac toe board outside OR use any found ojbects for your game pieces - this is a great project to make it your own!


Gather an even number of cards (index cards work great for this) and draw sets of two pictures that match. Turn them over, mix them up, and see if you can find the pairs. Many players can join in - the more players you have the more cards you'll want to make. Not up for making a set? See a few favorites, below.

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Become a manuliVille Wonderseeker

At pucciManuli we try really hard to create wonder through the act of giving, and hope we've spread a little bit of wonder in your lives over the past four weeks through camp manuliVille. For those of you who don't know, manuliVille is our community of kindness & wonder, where everyone is welcome and anything is possible. If you're not already on our list, sign up for our weekly newsletter to join our community of manuliVille Wonderseekers (we send an email out once a week and always share some wonder from around the world).

In the meantime, we encourage you to take a walk outside to discover some wonder of your own... by taking time to notice the amazing world around you.. there's wonder in how the sun hits the trees... there's wonder in the perfectly shaped flowers growing in your yard... there's wonder in how the birds sing above you... and most importantly, THERE'S WONDER IN YOU!

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