~ journal notes ~

Quite often, we find ourselves wanting to share more than a mere snapshot of the story with you, because - well, life if not always made up of mere snapshots.

b more 4 | pucciManuli

b more 4

You know that feeling you get when you discover something new - mysterious - surprising - unusually clever - simply beautiful (or beautifully simple)... You get the idea. Chances are, you can’t hel...
pucciManuli V26.37 | pucciManuli

pucciManuli V26.37

When I started this business waaaay back when, I made a conscious decision this was going to be a digital business only, to take advantage of the growing popularity of online shopping, to give peop...
Just Say No (to Plastic) | pucciManuli

Just Say No (to Plastic)

As you’ve probably discovered by now, most kids have no idea what to make of a gift card, to them it’s simply a piece of meaningless plastic (don't believe me? watch the reaction on a child's face...
Small Matters | pucciManuli

Small Matters

With each passing year, I learn I actually know far less than I thought I did the year before (is that wisdom -- to know you don't actually know anything at all?).  So, when I set out to "make a d...
What's In A Name? | pucciManuli

What's In A Name?

We're asked all the time, "where did your name come from?" Which is usually preceded with "how do you say your name?" and "what's the significance of the penguin?" So let's get at all three (3) of ...