Writing as Therapy Journal | Ideas
Writing as Therapy is a linen-bound, bold orange notebook designed to accommodate ideas, aspirations and worries in the therapeutic activity of your thoughts.
Writing as Therapy is a linen-bound, bold orange notebook designed to accommodate ideas, aspirations and worries in the therapeutic activity of your thoughts.
We have so many vague feelings of hurt, envy, anxiety, and regret, but for the most part we never stop to make sense of them. It’s too un-comfortable and especially difficult because we are so often busy and frazzled, hyper-connected yet a bit lonely. To really understand what we feel and think, we must turn away from distractions, common sense, and other people’s opinions. We need to develop intimacy with ourselves.
Our un-thought thoughts contain clues as to our needs and our longer-term direction. Writing them out is key. Through writing, we recognize patterns to observe and, perhaps, outgrow. We can strategize – a remarkably neglected task. We can ask ourselves why we make the choices we do. We can question faulty narratives and create new ones. We can consider ideas before we commit to them, and reinforce good ideas we already know.
Writing is ultimately the task of discovering and developing what we think. There could hardly be a more important personal goal.
Writing as Therapy Journal | Ideas is a dot-grid notebook, measures 8.5" L x 6" W and is 192 pages long.